‘The Girl from Munich’ was released on Friday, 1st September. Being the first day of Spring, it was a perfect reminder for me that Spring signifies new beginnings. This is my debut novel and certainly a new beginning for me as a published author. It’s an exciting time as all the years of hard work have finally paid off and my family can actually see something for all the hours I’ve spent locked up in my office writing! It’s been a busy time also with media releases, something totally new for me. From writing interviews, thinking about books that have influenced me, my top ten historical fiction novels and preparing for live interviews and author talks (something I’m a little bit nervous about, despite giving talks and running classes on ante-natal, labour and post-natal care in my previous life as a physiotherapist!). However, it’s all good and part of the process I know, and the more I do, I’m sure the easier I’ll find it. In fact, it was good amongst the whirlwind that has been the last year, to reflect on why I wrote ‘The Girl from Munich’, what influenced the story that I wrote and identify the specific elements of the story and Lotte’s character that I felt drawn to write or that were important to me.