I just wanted to share something very exciting and unexpected that happened recently. Back in March I was absolutely delighted to discover that ‘The Girl from Munich’ was long listed for this year’s ABIAs (Australian Book Industry Awards) in two categories – General Fiction Book of the Year and The Matt Richell Award for New Writer of the Year. I was absolutely blown away by these nominations and I was awed to be among such illustrious company. It was an absolute honour and privilege but more than that, it showed me how well ‘The Girl from Munich’ has been received and that was reward enough for me. I couldn’t believe when the news came through in mid April that ‘The Girl from Munich’ had then been shortlisted for the New Writer of the Year Award! I was off to the ABIA ceremony at the Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour, Sydney!
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine something like this happening to me. Mind you, it was a team effort with the wonderful team at Simon and Schuster Australia working to help make this book reach the dizzy heights that it’s climbed to. There’s so much work that goes on behind the scenes and it’s been a fascinating year learning about the publishing industry. From the gorgeous cover to the editing, marketing and sales input, ‘The Girl from Munich’ was transformed from a debut manuscript into the successful full package that made it to the shelves of the bookstores.
The Awards night was held on 3rd May and it was my first time at such a glittering event! It was lovely to become transformed myself (a bit like Cinderella) from comfy writing clothes into a cocktail dress, high heels and proper makeup! I was a bit awe struck to be in the same room as many of my writing idols and I even got to meet the fabulous Maggie Beer! (Cooking is another of my loves and I spend many happy hours in the kitchen when I’m not writing!) Although I didn’t win the award which went to Jessica Townsend and the stellar rise of ‘Nevermoor’, I was made feel very special by my publisher and I had the time of my life, chatting away to old friends and new acquaintances. I didn’t want the evening to end but like Cinderella and that clock striking midnight, I had to get home to bed before an early start with the family’s various schedules the next morning. Life never stops!
I want to thank everyone who has read or bought a copy of ‘The Girl from Munich’. Without your support, I wouldn’t be experiencing the wonderful and crazy year that’s been unfolding. You’re ultimately the reason for the success of my debut novel and I’m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart.