
Letters from Berlin – Publicity

This last month has been busy to say the least, especially with the release of Letters from Berlin. Between learning to navigate the digital world with remote events, online blogs and reviews, podcasts, and remembering to post regularly on my author facebook page, I’ve continued writing the next book set in Southern Italy. It’s been… Read more

Letters from Berlin – Inspiration and Research

While researching my very first book, The Girl from Munich, and sifting through the treasure trove of documents, photos and memorabilia that my German grandmother left behind after she died, I discovered the letter that started the journey towards Letters from Berlin. It was sent to her when she was in her eighties by newly… Read more

Interview – Letters from Berlin

I was tickled pink to receive a copy of this lovely article in last weekend’s Brisbane Weekend Courier-Mail after an interview I did about Letters from Berlin and the inspiration behind the story!

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